Nov 2023 Helper’s Cooking Class
We will open Autumn/Winter Helper's Cooking class, starting on 1 Nov 2023! Your helper will get the confidence to cookJapanese & Western cuisines with various healthy, low-fat, high protein, vegetarian dishes with professional techniques & methods . For example, they will master Japanese ingredients & healthy family recipes, Hokkaido cuisines, less-oil & Umami intense cooking skills , and beautiful presentation of Christmas meal. In each class, helpers create 4 to 6 different dishes with their own hands Cooking Class is Starting, 1 Nov 2023 on Wednesday, and every Monday from the following week. 2 to 3 hours per day, 4-day course over 4 weeks , + 21recipes (See the menu below). Schedule: 1, 6 ,13, […]
Summer 2023 Helper's Cooking Class
Starting on 17 July 2023, we cook Japanese Ramen, Okonomiyaki, vegan, seafood dishes with low-fat, high protein & etc.
JUNE 2023 Helper Cooking Class JUNE 2023
Helper Cooking Class JUNE 2023 We will open a NEW Domestic Helper's Cooking class, starting on 5 June 2023! Your helper will get the confidence to cook Japanese, Korean & French for your family and friends. We usually run a 1 month course that covers Asian and Western cooking at once a week. This course includes many cooking methods such as mastering Japanese basic ingredients, and healthier ways of cooking vegetables and meat. In each class, the helpers create a 5 to 6 different dishes with their own hands Cooking Class is Starting, 5 June 2023 every Monday, 2 to 3 hours per day, 4-day course over 3 weeks , + 20 recipes (See the menu […]
Dangerous dinner
🌹 Dangerous dinner 🌹After long & long time to be forgotten & abandoned, one of the old colonial style houses in HK enjoyed for the magical moment for this evening. As a chef for this event, it was extraordinary & challenging to make full courses meals in “ abandoned“ kitchen for those gourmet foodies. Basically, NO water, NO electricity.. NO kitchen! So, we had to build it just for this occasion. But, it became my unforgettable beautiful experience. Thank you for supporting me to work with you, Mdm Sacha & all organizers, musicians, journalists, photographer (#phyang81photog )and special guests who gathered for this night *The event was on the SCMP Art&Culture […]
Nov Helper's Japanese Cooking Class 2022
Autumn Japanese Cooking Class Happy to announce our NEW Helper's cooking class, starting 3 NOV 2022!! We will focus on The fundamental of Japanese meal, with a lot of healthy tips using Miso, Dashi-broth, and Tofu. Cooking Class is 3 & 16 Nov 2022, 2.5 hours per day, with about 11 cuisine recipes (See the menu below). Schedule: 3 & 16 Nov 2022 10:00am-12:302.5 hour session. ( Everyone tastes food in the class & can take the food away for his/her potion.) Location : Happy Valley (after registration completed, we will inform you the detail address) Class size: 8 students per class. Fees: A Package of 2 lessons. HK$ 700 per class […]
Helper Cooking Class OCT 2022
Helper Cooking Class OCT 2022 Starting 6 OCT 2022. We teach Japanese, Asian, & Western cuisines, with focus on HEALTHY Method, such as Low- Carb, Protein Rich, OMEGA3, Vegetarians. Cooking Class is Starting on 6 OCT 2022, every Thursday, 2hours per day, 4-day course over 4 weeks with about 20 cuisine recipes (See the menu below). Schedule: 6, 13, 20, 27, October 2022 (Every Thursday) 2 class per day. -AM class: 9:30am-11:30am OR -PM class: 12pm(noon)-2pm. 2 hour session. ( Everyone tastes here & can take the food away for his/her potion). Location : Kennedy Town/HKU (after registration completed, we will inform you the detail address) Class size: 4 students per class. Fees: A Package of 4 lessons. […]
September Japanese Cooking Class
Happy Mid Autumn Festival & Moon Festival September is Moon festival month in Japan. You will learn Japanese moon festival history, culture, and traditional foods. September Menu: Tsukimi healthy tender beef “hamburg” steak, ginger soy sauce Japanese sweet potato rice Autumn Ken-chin soup Tsukimi dango-mochi Japanese cooking class @ Kennedy town September 9, 16 ( Fri ) 10-13:00 Pls contact us via "contact" . Mayu's Kitchen & Co: Website: 仲秋の名月にちなんで9月和食クラスを開催します。英語と日本語でクラスを行いますので外国人のお友達が欲しい方は是非どうぞ。 ジューシーで柔らかなハンバーグの作り方,一晩経っても固くならないお団子の基本。秋の食材と日本ならではの食文化をお伝えします。 9月 9,16日(金) 10-13時 場所: Kennedy town West HK
Helper Cooking Class Sep 2022
Helper Cooking Class Sep 2022 Happy to announce our NEW Helper's cooking class, starting 8 Sep 2022!! We will focus on HEALTHY FOOD on this time, such as Low- Carb, Protein Rich, OMEGA3, Vegetarians / Vegans in easy-making Japanese, Aisan & Western cuisine. Cooking Class is Starting on 8 Sep 2021, every Thursday, 2hours per day, 4-day course over 4 weeks with about 20 cuisine recipes (See the menu below). Schedule: 8, 15, 22, 29, September 2022 (Every Thursday) 2 class per day. -AM class: 9:30am-11:30am OR -PM class: 12pm(noon)-2pm. 2 hour session. ( Everyone tastes food here & can take the food away for his/her potion). Location : Kennedy Town/HKU (after registration completed, we will inform you the […]