秋の和食クラス:Autumn Japanese Cooking Class

香港では共働きが当たり前。 だから、お手伝いさん達(Helper)がお料理担当ということも多いのです。

そこで、お手伝いさんに和食を作ってもらいたい!という方、下記のクラスで学んでもらうのはどうでしょうか? 和食の基本の調味料、お出汁、そして、味噌汁だけではないお味噌の使い方も学びます。**下記、英語でコニュニケーションをとる雇用主が多いと思いますので、英語で表記させていただきます。

Happy to announce our NEW Helper's cooking class, starting  3 NOV 2022!!   

We will focus on The fundamental of Japanese meal, with a lot of healthy tips using Miso, Dashi-broth, and Tofu.  

Cooking Class is 3 & 16 Nov 2022,  2.5 hours per day, with about 11 cuisine recipes (See the menu below). 

Schedule:  3 & 16 Nov 2022   10:00am-12:30
2.5 hour session.  ( Everyone tastes food in the class & can take the food away for his/her potion.)

Location : Happy Valley   (after registration completed, we will inform you the detail address) 
Class size: 8 students per class.  
Fees:  A Package of 2 lessons.  HK$ 700 per class per helper   Total is HK$ 1500.  Or,  Single-shot 750 HKD per class per helper)
Deadline: First Come, First Serve.  Payment is secure. your booking. 
Booking via our CONTACT page  with

①Employer's Full name & Phone number  

②Helper's Full name & Phone number  

③Food allergies/limitation if any.   

After the payment & confirmation, we give you the full address of  Mayu's Kitchen's address.


Nov 2- Lesson 1:  Winter /Autumn. Healthy Japanese cooking “Miso”
• Master of Basic Japanese ingredient & Condiments
• Variety of Miso & How to use Miso.
• Health benefit of Miso
• The healthy reasons of Japanese meals/foods

1. Grilled Fish with Miso & Negi    魚のネギ味噌焼き
2. Eggplant Dengaku & Inaka-Miso なす田楽:万能田舎味噌
3. Zucchini Garlic Misoズッキーニの味噌炒め 
4. Green beans  Miso-Ae  インゲンの胡桃味噌和え
5. Napa cabbage, peanuts, miso salad dressing  白菜とナッツの味噌ドレサラダ
6. Go-hei Mochi ( Grilled Walnut Miso Rice-Mochi) 五平餅 –くるみ味噌

Nov 16- Lesson 2:  Winter /Autumn. Healthy Japanese cooking “Dashi Bouillon”
-Tractional Japanese Meal Setting: Ichiju-sansai. 一汁三菜
-Master of Basic Japanese Ingredient & Condiments  
-Traditional Dashi Making 
-Varieties of Tofu 
-Plant Based Protein diet:  Soybeans product (Tofu, Soy sauce, Miso)

1  Dashi Making   出汁の材料、取り方・出汁パック、顆粒
2. Chicken ODEN  鶏おでん
3. Japanese Rolled Omelets.  だし巻き卵
4. Spinach & Shimeji Shira-ae ほうれん草としめじの白和え 
5. Miso soup 味噌汁
6. Japanese Autumn Pilaf炊き込みご飯
7. Fruit & Shiratama-Mochi フルーツ白玉

NOTE: The class is  held in a private house. We will give the highest attention, and  be careful of mask & hygiene issues during classes.

Please let me know your interest.