節分は、旧暦の立春が新年であったため、その前日、つまり冬と春を分ける日を節分とし、邪気を払う目的ではじまったのが由来とされています。 年の変わり目に邪気を払い、1年の無病息災を願う行事として「鬼はそと、福はうち」と豆まきをし、恵方巻やイワシを食べる風習が今も残っているのです。 

日本食普及の親善大使として、季節や伝統文化やそれにまつわるお話や歴史、行事食を伝えるクラスを開設します。 クラスは日英のバイリンガル、外国人のお友達と一緒にお申し込みください。(下記、詳細は英語です。WEBの英語ページ<2月日本食クラス>にも乗せています。

February Japanese Cooking Class

Setsubun (節分, lit. "seasonal division") is a festival held on February 3, one day before the start of spring (Risshun/立春) according to the Japanese lunar calendar For many centuries, Japanese people perform rituals with the purpose of chasing away ONI (Demon)or evil spirits & welcoming FUKU (Goodluck)  at the start of spring.

Mayu's Kitchen Japanese cuisine classes highlight the special foods that define monthly & seasonal celebrations.


  • Eho-maki (Sushi Buritto)
  • Beef & Shiitake mushroom, Ama-kara-ni (sweet - soy sauce)
  • Spinach Ohitashi
  • Carrot-kimpira
  • Tamago yaki (Japanese Egg-omelette)
  • Fuku-mame cha (Beans&Kombu Tea)

-Vegan /Vegetarian options are available
-The cooking class provide all ingredients and cooking facilities/utensils.
-Students will learn preparation of food, cooking, and presentation, and tasting.
-Students will learn Japanese tradition, cultural aspects of the special celebrated food.
-Students can eat in or take away their portion of food, if they bring their own containers and ziplocks.

Class information

🔹Schedule: 5, 6, 19, 20,21, 22 Feb 2024

NOTE: As a chef -service, You can do this workshop at your home with your friends & families in evening or weekend.  For the information of minimum # participants or costs is  in our “chef-service “ page. 

🔹Time: Group class 10am to 1pm / Private class 2h30pm-4:30pm (2 to 3hour, including lecture, cooking , presentation

🔹Location :  Mayu's Kitchen. & Co. ( Kennedy Town) 

🔹Fees: HK$ 850 per person for group class (4 to 6 person) *A class will hold with minimum 4 people.
- HK$ 2250 per person for private class (1person)
- HK$ 1680 per person for private class (2persons)
- HK$ 1150 per person for private class (3persons)

🔹Booking:  "1st come & 1st served" is the rule.   Please contact us with necessary information ①②③④below.   

🔹Send "CONTACT" form or Email :  contact@mayuskit.com.     with

①Your full name & Phone number  
②Dates you can join.  
③How many participants (Group or private)
④Food allergies/limitation if any.   

Other February events and associated special foods.

3rd – Setsubun (Seasonal Division) : Fukumame(roasted -Soybean) Ehomaki (Thick Sushi roll)
4th - Risshun (1st Spring day in old calender)
8th – Harikuyo (Memorial Service for Needles) : Tofu, Konjaku
12th (2024) – Hatsu-uma : Inarizushi (Inashi-sushi)


